Thursday, September 29, 2005

New Wall Street Journal Asia to deploy web-style UI techniques

Mario Garcia: "Going compact is very exciting because the readers like it, but the real story here is the fusion of the online and print versions of the newspaper."
The WSJA will deploy lots of devices common on the web (and. from the examples given, not uncommon in print) in a more web-design style. On links to related stories at the end of an article, Garcia had this to say: "I see in the future bibliographies at the end of every reporter's article." This is, I think, the most interesting bit (given my current obsession with footnotes, jumps, and inline referencing).
Now, should such bibliographies continue to evolve (online) after the article has been published?
(From Ifra)

1 comment:

Luke Hoyland said...

Very negative review from Follow The Media.