Thursday, June 05, 2003

Digital edition update: OJR

JD Lasica on OJR speculates about the value of digital editions, and questions the motives. He suggests they are a means by which people can roll back free web content, or a way to begin charging for web content, or a way to hike circulation (albeit only under ABC USA's criteria). Lasica reckons that 90 newspapers worldwide are now doing it (I'd guess that three times as many are. American news organisations -- and universities -- tend to be rather short sited.) The fear, as expressed by E-Media Tidbits contributor Adrian Holovaty, is that "such a user-unfriendly dud of a product " may threaten the quality of conventional web news output from newspapers. However, another Tidbits regular, Vin Crosbie, reckons (rightly) that the technology has great potential for use in a wider range of devices than is the norm at present. Page has a reasonable summary of relevant links.
(From Online Journalism Review)

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