Wednesday, May 14, 2003

NYT Blair debacle reveals suspicion of technology

Interesting essay on the Jayson Blair affair focusing on the NYT's "undercurrent of alarm about the dangers of technology" betrayed by their investigation. "The tone of The Times article reveals a nagging institutional anxiety about the tools of Jayson Blair's trickery, but Blair's story is a story of bad reporting and deplorable ethics, not a cautionary tale about technology." The paper has announced that it is forming a committee to examine its editing system, in part to assess whether it should change in light of technological advances.
(From )

Monday, May 12, 2003

Google to hive off blog results

Google is likely to exclude weblogs from its default search results and instead put them in a separate tab. Good to get rid of all the vanity, but I'd still like to see the most referred-to items in my first results. Tricky.
(From The Register)

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Further E Ink publicity

More on E Ink. The same old stuff, this time getting PR in Nature.
(From Editor & Publisher)

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Corel use SVG

Corel have released Smart Graphics Studio, which creates graphics written in the structured SVG format. SVG, which is XML-based, is much more open and machine-readable than Flash, its vector graphics rival. It has not, however, been adopted widely beyond Adobe, its creators. Smart Graphics Studio also supports XSLT, thereby providing lots of options for dynamic and data-driven graphic imagery.
(From CNet News.Com)